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Right On Straps LEGEND D.G Gilmour Black

Right On Straps LEGEND D.G Gilmour Black

SKU: 8419612000070

Regular price $129.99
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Legend D.G. Black Guitar Strap: This guitar strap, with crossed strips and originally in chocolate color, has become almost as famous as its owner's iconic black Stratocaster. However, this time we've made it in black because someone requested it, and we love how it turned out.
According to urban legend, a similar guitar strap once belonged to Jimi Hendrix, and in 2006, David Gilmour's wife gifted it to him. From that moment on, this strap became the inseparable companion to Gilmour's Stratocaster.

At RightOn!, we've taken inspiration from this renowned strap to offer a version that preserves its original look while incorporating all the features of quality and comfort that define RightOn! straps.


Width: 2 3/8 '' - 6 cm
Color: Beige, Black
Instrument: Guitar , Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, Bass guitar, Electric guitar
Material: Genuine Leather
Minimum Size: 39,37 in - 100 cm
Adjustable to: 57,08 in - 145 cm
Padding: Padding 2,5 mm

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